Alexander Calder "Bird's Nest," 1968, lithograph, edition 56/95
Alexander Calder "Pyramids," 1970, lithograph, edition 48/50
Alexander Calder "Untitled" 1971
Alexander Calder "Untitled," c. 1975, lithograph, edition 56/100
Donald Martiny "Alys," 2019, polymer and dispersed pigment on alumninum
Donald Martiny "Bayali," 2019, polymer and sispersed pigment on aluminum
Donald Martiny "Untitled," 2019, polymer and dispersed pigment on aluminum
Hans Hofmann "Still Life II," 1944, gouache on paper
Helen Frankenthaler "Contentment Island," 2004, screenprint, edition 112/118
Helen Frankenthaler "Sunshine After Rain," 1987, etching, edition 61/67
Jeanne-Claude and Christo "Wrapped Building (Project for #1 Times Square)," 1985, lithograph & mixed media, edition 23/26
Jules Olitski "Beauty of Angels," 1989, lithograph, edition 31/50
Jules Olitski "Cauldron Vision," 1986, acrylic on canvas
Jules Olitski "Celestrial Artisan," 1984, acrylic on canvas
Jules Olitski "First Sight," 1988, acrylic on canvas
Jules Olitski "King James II," 1987, acrylic on canvas
Jules Olitski "La Belle Dame," 1975, acrylic on canvas
Jules Olitski "Rough Cut," 1988, acrylic on canvas
Jules Olitski "Sand & Sea," 1985, water-based acrylic on canvas
Jules Olitski "Second Coming," 1981, water-based acrylic on canvas
Kenneth Noland "Roman Numeral XX," 1983, acrylic on canvas
Kenneth Noland "Untitled," c. 1980, monoprint on handmade paper
Larry Poons "Untitled," 1975, acrylic on canvas
Larry Poons, "Untitled" 1983, mixed-media on canvas
Lee Krasner "Free Space," 1975, lithograph, edition 15/175
Man Ray "Rebus," c. 1972, etching, edition 47/100
Richard Lindner "An American Portrait," 1975, lithograph, edition 175/175
Richard Lindner Poster: "An American Portrait, Santa Barbara Museum of Art," 1976, poster
Romare Bearden "The Family," 1975, lithograph, edition 78/175
Roy Lerner "Blues March," 2020, mixed media on canvas
Roy Lerner "Lone Ranger & Tonto," 2018, mixed media on canvas
Roy Lerner "Shangri-La," 2017, acrylic on canvas
Roy Lerner "The Last Painting," 2020, mixed media on canvas
Stanley Boxer "Amarblemansgloria," 1992, oil and mixed media on canvas
Stanley Boxer "Archadiasdelta," 1999, acrylic on canvas
Stanley Boxer, "Pillaged Pasts," 1999, acrylic on canvas
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